Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
The Environment Agency of Iceland has adjusted the allocation of free allowances to aircraft operators for the period 2021-2023. The calculation is updated according to the inclusion of a linear reduction factor (2,2%), and is subject to the inclusion of Regulation (EU) 2392/2017 into Icelandic legislation (Regulation 601/2018). The allocation might change as a respond to the linking of Switzerland to the EU-ETS.
Below is the allocation for 2020-2023
Number of allowances |
Aircraft operator |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
27616 |
Bluebird cargo |
14058 |
6874 |
6572 |
6138 |
40090 |
WOW Air |
152382 |
74515 |
71236 |
66535 |
3176 |
8011 |
7835 |
7490 |
6996 |
1479 |
186364 |
182264 |
174244 |
162744 |