Umhverfisstofnun var lögð niður 31. desember 2024. Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi.


Akurey is a low and vegetated island in Kollafjörður, approx. 6.6 hectares, northeast of Seltjarnarnes.

Akurey is classified as an internationally important seabird settlement; various seabirds nest on the island, such as puffins, which is the most common, lesser black-backed gull, eider duck and black guillemot, in addition to which Akurey is an important wintering site for cormorant.

The aim of the protection of Akurey is to promote the preservation of biodiversity by protecting an internationally important bird area in Reykjavík.

The rules on the nature reserve state, among other things, that flight drones are not permitted. Going ashore in Akurey without the permission of the Environment Agency and the City of Reykjavík is also prohibited.

This does not, however, apply to supervisors. They also state that damaging vegetation and disturbing wildlife within the nature reserve is prohibited. Regarding land utilisation, eider ducks and herring gulls may be utilised.

The Environment Agency may grant permits for activity in the nature reserve such as photography and filming.

The Environment Agency manages and operates the nature reserve and is responsible for the making of a management and protection plan. Such work has begun in collaboration with the City of Reykjavík and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.