Umhverfisstofnun var lögð niður 31. desember 2024. Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi.
For seafarers
All vessel traffic and disembarking within the nature reserve is prohibited. The following are exempt from the ban:
- Traffic and landings related to traditional uses and resource rights of landowners.
- Non-commercial traffic of landowners.
- Traffic of ships and boats for traditional sea fishing with hand-held gear.
- Kayak traffic. Kayakers must notify the Environment Agency of their trips under Látrabjarg before departure.
- Traffic and landings related to research.
- Traffic of ships and boats seeking shelter under Látrabjarg due to weather and sea conditions.
- Traffic of ships and boats is permitted along traditional sailing routes west of Bjargtangar and along the current Látraröst for the safety of seafarers.